Cartaventura Odyssey is a collection of narrative card games intended for the whole family.
Experience great historical adventures with multiple outcomes! Your objective: complete the 3 chapters of the story and discover the 10 secret cards by making the right choices.
In Cartaventura Odyssey: The Treasure of Libertalia, take on the role of a young sailor who dreams of adventure, piracy and legendary treasures! Re(discover) the Cartaventura experience suitable for the whole family! A game system accessible for young people and which is revealed as the game progresses; captivating worlds for young and old alike; and always something to learn while having fun, thanks to educational content written with
specialists. Each scenario of the game consists of 3 chapters of around twenty minutes each. As the games progress, players reveal secret cards that give access to new portions of the story. By replaying the adventure, they can discover all
possible endings. During their adventure, they also unlock the 10 Knowledge cards to learn the history of piracy while having fun.
- 3 chapters of 20 minutes each, replayable to discover all the possible endings
- A new, simpler way to play Cartaventura, suitable for the whole family
- Playable from 6 years old with accompanied reading, from 9 years old independently
105 cards 85x85mm
3 cards 110x110mm
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